Congregational Development Ministry
We offer tools, resources, and training for trainers that facilitate your programs of connecting, cultivating and caring for people. Those people you are dedicated to serving, deserve your very best, and we are here to facilitate you in your proactive success.
The ISKCON Ministry of Congregational Development – CDM – is a One Stop Shop for Krsna Conscious training. CDM facilitates the spiritual growth of individuals and communities within the spiritual, cultural, and educational guidelines set by ISKCON’s Founder-Acarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.
We offer consultancy, education, and networking to assist the International Society for Krsna Consciousness to develop and expand its communities in accord with the following principles:
A deeply caring attitude for all members, according to their stage in life and their different levels of needs.
Promoting the engagement of all devotees in outreach and their empowering in taking responsibility in the mission.
Organizing all practitioners in small groups for intimate exchanges and the building of friendly relation; regular supervision and support.
Temples as tirthas for inspiration and exemplary behavior; enthusing large gatherings and festivals.
Ongoing systematic training and education.
To facilitate these objectives:
We design and present courses.
We produce, translate and circulate books, articles, supporting materials & audiovisuals.
We assist in organizing festivals & conventions.
We remain updated on innovations and trends from both inside and outside ISKCON.
We support the Ministry’s specialized divisions: ISKCON Prison Ministries and the Armed Forces Outreach Ministries.
Jayapataka Swami
Kaunteya Dasa