Global Property Office
The Global Property Office (“GPO”) is responsible for governance, oversight and development of professional standards relating to ‘property’ matters as set out in His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada’s Declaration of Will (the “Will”). The GPO is established by the GBC with the GBC Executive Committee serving as rotating members. The GPO, while designated by the GBC as the office to deal with all ISKCON’s property matters, does not replace any local Property Trustee’s legal responsibility vis-à-vis the property, and fulfills a regulatory role to ensure compliance with the GPO requirements for effective ISKCON property management.
The GPO deals with property aspects of Srila Prabhupada’s will. The Executive Committee deals with all non-property related aspects. The GPO has three (3) GBC members of the Executive Committee and two executive directors, supported by a team of property administrators.
The GPO’s primary duty is to impose Srila Prabhupada’s Will. To that end, the GPO:
(1) acts as regulator and protector of all ISKCON immoveable properties;
(2) is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the ISKCON Property Database, and all property files for every ISKCON property,
(3) ensures that Srila Prabhupada’s (i.e., ISKCON’s) assets are protected and used to serve Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission, and
(4) assumes responsibility for the processes and procedures for acquiring or disposing of ISKCON properties.
HG Govardhana Das
HG Tapana Mishra Das