ISKCON Youth Ministry
About ISKCON Youth Ministry
ISKCON Youth Ministry is an official ministry of ISKCON established by the GBC in 1996 to represent and address the needs, interests and concerns of youth in ISKCON. The current minister is Manorama Dasa, assisted by his wife Jaya Sri Radhe Devi Dasi and several regional youth leaders and volunteers in various parts of the world.
Mission Statement
ISKCON Youth Ministry’s mission is to inspire, train, engage and empower youth in Krishna consciousness to their fullest potential, for example, through regular youth group meetings, scripture study, mentorship, association with saintly persons, retreats, mission trips, sabbaticals and gap year experiences; to help integrate youth into our missionary movement as the next generation “future hope” of ISKCON, helping youth find meaningful service within ISKCON according to their individual nature, interests, talents, skills and abilities.
ISKCON Youth Ministry aims to:
Encourage Youth Sanga Groups to meet regularly at temples and communities; provide tutorials and training for community leaders to start and maintain such sanga groups.
Organize and promote Youth Events, Gatherings, Retreats, Mission Trips and Bus Tours that provide blissful, transformative immersion experiences in Krishna consciousness, where youth get an opportunity to develop strong bonds of friendship with other devotee youth, spend quality time with saintly persons, dive deeply into meditative experiences with the Holy Name, develop relationships with potential mentors, and get a taste for engaging in devotional outreach missionary service like Harinama Sankirtana, Book Distribution, Ratha-yatras and Krishna Culture festivals.
Encourage the Systematic Study of our Scriptures so our youth become firmly rooted in the foundational teachings and principles of Krishna consciousness; for example, by promoting Bhakti Shastri courses, Bhagavad-gita study at youth group meetings, and initiatives such as “Be a Sage, Page by Page.”
Represent at ISKCON leadership meetings the needs, interests and concerns of ISKCON youth, and report back any relevant discussions or decisions; propose GBC resolutions to further youth ministry goals and improve the experiences of ISKCON youth within the institution.
Integrate youth into service positions within ISKCON, for example, through internships, apprenticeships and a Service Placement Office; help youth find their service calling, their own personal service contributions to assist ISKCON’s missionary activities, which may lead to developing personal service projects, and or volunteering their skills or professional services part-time, on the side, as they are able.
Encourage youth to volunteer for missionary service to re-energize and spread the movement, for example, during summer vacations, for six-month sabbaticals or a Krishna Conscious Gap Year; facilitate and encourage our youth to volunteer some time to serve at temples, outreach centers and missionary programs including college and university outreach, Harinama Sankirtana, traveling festival tours, book distribution, prasadam distribution, Kirtana festivals, and innovative outreach programs presenting aspects of Krishna consciousness on the Internet, social media, YouTube, etc.
Develop and teach seminars, workshops and courses to train youth leaders, youth group facilitators and mentors.
Manorama Dasa
Jaya Sri Radhe Devi Dasi